Slide Title 2

Morbi quis tellus eu turpis lacinia pharetra non eget lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec.

Slide Title 3

In ornare lacus sit amet est aliquet ac tincidunt tellus semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

belajar bahasa jepang

Classroom Expression
In this lesson, we are going to learn three phrases for classroom expressions, this super easy and you are going to learn them in three minutes. Ok, this is first we have:

1. Mo u i chi do o ne ga i shi ma su.
meaning: one more time please
Mo u = again
I chi do =one time
o ne ga i shi ma su = please do something for me

2. yu kku ri o ne ga i shi ma su.
meaning: slowly please
yu kku ri =slowly
o ne ga i shi ma su = please do something for me

3. ka i te ku da sa i.
meaning: please write it down
ka i te = to write
ku da sa i = please


Introduce Yourself
You are going to learn how to introduce yourself in japans. There are three sentences to do this and you gonna learn more right now. Ok, here it is three lines:

1. Ha ji me ma shi te.
meaning : nice to meet you

2. Wa ta shi wa (name) de su
meaning: I am (name)
Wa ta shi wa = I
de su = am
note: japanese has one tricky point. The verb comes up at the end of sentence.

3. Yo ro shi ku o ne ga I shi ma su.
this phrase contextual and gets the meaning depend on the situation.
meaning: please be good to me/ it’s pleasure to meet you

three example above are formal  sentence. Here the informal version:
1. (name) de su.
meaning: I am (name)
2. Yo ro shi ku
meaning: it’s pleasure to meet you


Basic Greetings

In this lesson we are going to learn more general greetings.
1. O ha yo. 
meaning : good morning
2. O ha yo  go za i ma su.
meaning : good morning ( this phrase more polite)
3. Ko n ni chi wa.
meaning: Hi /hello or it can also means : good afternoon
4. Ko n ba n wa.
meaning: good evening (usually used it after sunset)
5. O ya su mi na sa i.
 meaning: please go to bed( so it usually said before going to bed)
6. Ge n ki de su ka.
meaning: How are you?

7. Ge n ki de su.
meaning = I am fine
Ge n ki
= healthy
de su = as to be

8. Sa i a ku.
meaning= bad


Mealtime Manners

In this lesson you are going to learn the phrase you said before and after you eat
1. I ta da ki ma su.
meaning: this expression is ready to the food.
2. Go chi so sa ma.
meaning: thank you for the food
3. O i shi i !
meaning: it’s delicious!
4. Ka n pa i !
meaning: cheers!


Manners Matter
You ae going to learh how to say thank you and I’m sorry in Japanese
1.  A ri ga to u go za i ma su.
meaning: thank you  mi ma se n.
meaning: excuse me /I’am sorry
3. Go me n na sa i.
meaning:I’am sorry

Here the informal phrases( don’t used it with the teacher and business situation)
1. Do u mo.
meaning: thanks
2. Go me n.
meaning: sorry


Three Rookie mistakes you can easily avoid
So, Here the three mistakes

1. Don’t use your name sa n.
sa n is owner suffix correspondent to Mr/Mrs in English for other people. So don’t use it for your name, use it for other people name.

2. Don’t use sa yo u na ra, when you will see the person again that day.
sa yo u na ra means goodbye or see you. If you want to seel the person at the same day use Ja ma ta

3. Don’t use wa ta shi wa  ne ma su de su. But use wa ta shi wa ne ma su.
ne ma su is formal form manner which is a verb meaning to sleep.De su is equivalent with is, am, are. You can’t use de su after a verb. Just say wa ta shi wa ne ma su.


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